I’m Noble Saji Mathews. I work in the intersection of AI and Software Engineering.

Research in the Software Engineering (SE) space has the potential to reshape how people reason about software and can have a profound impact by helping build secure and privacy-preserving systems. I am particularly passionate about building and designing tools that can help discover and automatically fix flaws in software systems. The rise of AI in the field has enabled building complex systems which would not have been possible before. It has also changed the landscape of software development and maintenance, which makes it an exciting time to be in the field.

My research journey began when I joined RISHA, a SE Research Lab, in my first year of undergrad where i got the opportunity to work with Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda on a wide variety of topics. I further collaborated with IBM Research and explored the generation of multiple source code representations and the impact of incorporating semantic features from multiple representations. I have also been a recipient of the GitHub and MLH fellowships which have enabled me to collaborate with OpenSource groups on topics like Source Code Analysis and keep in touch with the industry. My decision to dive deeper into the realm of SE is the culmination of my research and software development experiences in various areas. Being awarded prestigious MITACS Globalink Fellowship, enabled me to travel to Canada in the summer of 2022 and continue my research at Waterloo where i chose to pursue my Masters under Dr. Mei Nagappan. During my Master’s program, I have been researching the application of AI in software engineering, particularly focusing on enhancing development workflows. Our work has been recognized with the ACM Distinguished Paper Award and has received $15,000 in funding from the Velocity Accelerator to further our research.

Today, I am a co-founder of Mayil-AI, where I am dedicated to bringing my research to developers, helping them build better and faster. I continue to research and explore the ever-evolving field of software engineering, striving to advance our understanding and capabilities in this dynamic area.